
E Pluribus Unum

E Pluribus Unum featured 16 artists, working on their own and collaboratively, along the theme: e pluribus unum — from many, one.

E Pluribus Unum, installed at the Twain Tippetts Gallery, 2012


E Pluribus Unum


16 artists came together for this exhibit, working on their own and collaboratively, along the theme of E Pluribus Unum — from many, one. The show took place in 2012 at the Twain Tippetts Gallery at Utah State University.

The show was scheduled, not coincidentally, right before the 2012 US presidential election as a response to the increasingly partisan nature of our country's political climate. The concept is based on the United States’ paradoxical situation as a unified whole composed of varying voices — the very embodiment of E Pluribus Unum — from many, one. 

America has always been an amalgamation of divided visions, dreams and opinions — even going back to the days of our country's founding. America's success comes not from all of our citizens looking and thinking alike, but from our rich diversity of experience, background and opinion, combined with a willingness to talk to, listen to, and work with those we disagree with. This country was founded on a willingness to set aside individual differences and compromise for the good of the whole. This show served as a reminder of the core values of compromise and collaboration, without which our country would not — and could not — exist.

As part of the concept, each artist contributed their own individual work, and was paired at random with one of the other artists to produce a collaborative piece.

For details about my work for E Pluribus Unum, see My Artwork: False Dichotomy.

