
Angels in the Architecture

A group of 12 artists, working in a variety of media, responded to the theme of Angels in the Architecture, in this 2010 exhibit.

Angels in the Architecture installed at Art Access Gallery, 2010


Angels in the Architecture


The theme of Angels in the Architecture came from Paul Simon’s 1986 pop hit “You Can Call Me Al,” of which I was reminded by a piece by Marcee Blackerby. I felt like this concept was too rich for any one artist, and instead would best be explored by a group. Each of the 12 artists was invited to respond to the theme of “Angels in the Architecture” in any way they saw fit. The theme allowed for a wide latitude of interpretation, and I was excited about the variety of media and concepts that the artists brought to the show. Angels in the Architecture showed at Art Access Gallery in Salt Lake City in 2010.

For details on my work for this exhibit, see My Artwork: Angels in the Architecture.

